Friday, 29 March 2013

Celebrating the Small Things - 29 March

Once again I am taking part in Vik Lit's celebrating the small things...

This week I am celebrating...

1. The 4-day weekend.

2. Getting my Car back on the road even if it is only temporary.

3. Actually managing to build my own computer (with some man assistance). Now just installing everything but hopefully I will be able to use is soon.

4. Finishing my last week in my current placement and actually getting things completed.

5. Getting ready for the A-to-Z challenge. 

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Preparation for the A to Z Challenge

Following my "Big Reveal" Post it dawned on me - "gosh! I now have to get on with it" as the challenge starts in a matter of days.

So I have been running through the essentials:

  • the theme - check
  •  the blog posts (drafted and scheduled) - 3/26
  • Mina kindly suggested getting rid of the Captchas/Word Verification - check
  • No Anonymous Comments - check
  • Make Connections   
This last one is where I need to get up to speed (that and writing the actual blog posts) - My A to Z Welcome email suggests Google Friends Connect, Feedburner / RSS feeds, Linky Followers and Networked Blogs. I don't use any of these and I have no idea which ones I should be using. If I have time I will look into these further but any recommendations / advice in the interim would be appreciated.

My new computer should be arriving this weekend so hopefully won't be working on borrowed time on a borrowed computer throughout the challenge. All I got to do is hope that it all arrives and then successfully build it.

I will look forward to seeing you all during the challenge.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Celebrating the Small Things - 22 March 2013

Once again I am taking part in Vik Lit's celebrating the small things...

This week I am celebrating...

1. attending a beautiful wedding and being part of the happy couple's special day

2. taking the rare opportunity to spend time with my other half's parents (and the dog)

3. bumping into a friend in the street and having a catch up - despite the pouring rain

4. fantastic slice of chocolate cheesecake (thanks to my flatmate)

5. electric blankets for those chilly evenings

Have a great week and if you don't already take part - join in the blog hop here

Thursday, 21 March 2013

A to Z Challenge: The Big Reveal

I have decided to add 2 blogs to this years A to Z Challenge - yes it is a challenge - but I have decided that I wanted to turn my writing up a notch this year and get more into both writing regularly and blogging regularly.


So this is my big reveal post. 

So the question on everyone's mind - what is your theme for the A to Z Challenge? This time I have decided to include extracts of my current WIP which is a non-fiction workbook focussing on Career Development.

So tune back in for tips for developing your full-time job into something you love. Examples of what I will be writing about include:

  • A for... Appraisals
  • B for... Buddies
  • C for... Covering Letters

My other blog which is also taking part in the challenge is Planning with Printed Portal. Over there the theme for April is more about Filofaxes and organisation with paper. Each day I will be offering one of my personal Filofax inserts as a free download. So if you are the proud owner of a Filofax be sure to check it out.

I look forward to visiting you during the challenge.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Top 10 Movie Countdown

Today I am taking part in Ninja Captain Alex's Top 10 Movie Countdown Blogfest. The task is simple - list your Top 10 Favourite Movies.

  1. Life is Beautiful
  2. The Crimson Rivers
  3. The Warriors
  4. Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal and Red Dragon
  5. Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and the Dark Knight Rises
  6. Star Wars Trilogy
  7. The Lion King
  8. Jurassic Park
  9. Kill Bill Vol 1 and Vol 2
  10. Kung Fu Panda 1 & 2
 So not really 10 movies but more like 10 sets of movies - after all you can't just enjoy a movie in isolation anymore - too many trilogies etc..

Friday, 15 March 2013

Celebrate the small things...

Recently I have discovered Vik Lit's weekly celebrating the small things and thought this would be a great thing to take part in and signed straight up.

Celebrating the Small Things: 15th March 2013

This week I am celebrating...

  1. Starting this new blog to keep together my more rambling and personal posts;
  2. Finally having some rest and taking a couple of days off work;
  3. Buying a new Filofax and new coloured pens;
  4. Spending quality time with my other half; and
  5. eating fantastic wild boar pies - best pies I have had. 

Have a great week. 

Monday, 11 March 2013

Worship of Tools Day

Today is apparently "Worship of Tools Day" presumably a day aimed at the male population to encourage them to get out their tools and do some DIY. I am a lucky girl my significant other does a lot of DIY in fact he actively looks for projects to do (and the list is getting longer).

However, today I wanted to think more about the tools of a writer and I ask - what tools do you use?

I write in a notebook, organise with both a collection of notebooks and a filofax and I type on a computer - in word.

So far it has not become any more sophisticated than that and I ponder whether I should be looking at software geared towards writers?

What do you use?

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo

Last week I got an email about Camp NaNoWriMo. Unfortunately it is scheduled for April - and I want to do the Blogging from A to Z Challenge during the month of April. So Camp may just have to be deferred until July. It is not possible to do both.

I attempted NaNoWriMo a few years ago, and again this year. The first time I was also doing my post-grad and simply didn't have the time in the day. Now that I am working full time I attempted it again and found that I could usually get up early to put in a couple of hours and started off quite well. Unfortunately the momentum wasn't sustainable and things to do when buying a house started to interfere and my novel just never got finished.

So another attempt might just have to go in the diary for July. Is anyone else attending camp this year?

An Introduction

Hi Guys,

I usually blog over at and planning for printed portal you may have found this blog direct from there but if you haven't please take the time to visit my main blogs.

The blog has been created to focus on my writing, which has so far been staggered and constantly interrupted by my life.

I have not quite got to the point where I have a decent computer set up but I have a desk and I am able to steal my partners computer for the time being. The important thing is that we have finally got a lodger into the house and I am not spending all my free time (as I have been doing so far this year) on doing the house up.

So, writing (and blogging) are going back on the agenda. 

I decided to keep a separate blog for my random writings as they would not necessarily be of interest to my regular filofax and stationary readers. However, I will see over the next few months how the split blog thing goes, as in reality I would prefer to have everything all in one place.

so, until next time...