Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Preparation for the A to Z Challenge

Following my "Big Reveal" Post it dawned on me - "gosh! I now have to get on with it" as the challenge starts in a matter of days.

So I have been running through the essentials:

  • the theme - check
  •  the blog posts (drafted and scheduled) - 3/26
  • Mina kindly suggested getting rid of the Captchas/Word Verification - check
  • No Anonymous Comments - check
  • Make Connections   
This last one is where I need to get up to speed (that and writing the actual blog posts) - My A to Z Welcome email suggests Google Friends Connect, Feedburner / RSS feeds, Linky Followers and Networked Blogs. I don't use any of these and I have no idea which ones I should be using. If I have time I will look into these further but any recommendations / advice in the interim would be appreciated.

My new computer should be arriving this weekend so hopefully won't be working on borrowed time on a borrowed computer throughout the challenge. All I got to do is hope that it all arrives and then successfully build it.

I will look forward to seeing you all during the challenge.


  1. AZ is going to be crazy, but also tons of fun. good luck!

  2. i caught up on your previous posts.
    great movie choices! and your a to z theme is awesome!
    glad to get to know you!

  3. Hi! We share a background so I feel friends already! I'm "Reincarnated as a Writer", number 1229 on the A to Z list, ans will be trying to think of 26 things to say, as well as self-publishing my novel... Do drop by and say hi. I'm not sure if I need to disable anything, will trap an IT expert on Sunday and ask!

  4. Hi. I'm doing A to Z as well. Good luck to you!
