Thursday, 21 March 2013

A to Z Challenge: The Big Reveal

I have decided to add 2 blogs to this years A to Z Challenge - yes it is a challenge - but I have decided that I wanted to turn my writing up a notch this year and get more into both writing regularly and blogging regularly.


So this is my big reveal post. 

So the question on everyone's mind - what is your theme for the A to Z Challenge? This time I have decided to include extracts of my current WIP which is a non-fiction workbook focussing on Career Development.

So tune back in for tips for developing your full-time job into something you love. Examples of what I will be writing about include:

  • A for... Appraisals
  • B for... Buddies
  • C for... Covering Letters

My other blog which is also taking part in the challenge is Planning with Printed Portal. Over there the theme for April is more about Filofaxes and organisation with paper. Each day I will be offering one of my personal Filofax inserts as a free download. So if you are the proud owner of a Filofax be sure to check it out.

I look forward to visiting you during the challenge.


  1. Good luck with the A-Z challenge

  2. I hope you enjoy the challenge!

  3. Good luck with the A to Z challenge! This is my first year with the A to Z challenge, even though I've watched it grow over the last 3 years. I'm also taking part in the Reveal. I'm trying to share some positivity with my #WriteMotivation friends on Twitter (and to help keep me positive in the process)
    Hope to see you around :)

    Jamie Dement (LadyJai)

  4. Sounds like a great place to come for some writing tips in April! Best of luck with two blogs.

  5. Good luck! I'm impressed your doing 2 blogs. This is my 1st time attempting A to Z and I don't know if I can hack it even with one. Good luck!

  6. what, wait... sounds interesting!

    Jeremy [Retro] #66
    AtoZ Challenge Co-Host
    Oh No, Let's Go... Crazy

    ps. more people will come if you turn off your "CAPTCHA", we are all humans here... :)

  7. This is an important topic and much needed, thank you in advance!

  8. Both themes will be wonderfully helpful. Kudos and good luck running two blogs for A to Z!

    PS: As a friendly tip, you may consider getting rid of the word verification or "Captcha" business, which tends to put other A to Zers off a bit. :-)

    1. Thanks I have done that now (I hope)!! Still getting used to using blogger.

  9. I am taking part in the big reveal bloghop, but I just wanted to say that I have two blogs in the challenge. I know I am just asking for it, especially since last year I only made it to letter V before I gave up. good luck!
