Friday, 12 April 2013

K is for... Knowledge


Building up your knowledge and continued professional development is a good way of assisting with your career progression - whether it is in the early stages by helping you get on the ladder or helping you get a promotion or a client.

Knowledge is a commodity and any employee worth their salt should have both skills and knowledge. Do you have both?

What is the difference between Knowledge and Skill?

  • Knowledge refers to learning concepts, principles and information. 
  • Skill refers to the ability of using that information and applying it in a context.
I tend to think of knowledge as "Things I learned during my degree" or "things I can read in books" and skills as "things that allow me to do my job". Knowledge is usually required to put your skills into practice, but skills (or sometimes a combination of both) are what make you good at your job.

As part of your career development plan - you should sell your knowledge not just your skills.

This is an extract from Putting Pen to Paper's upcoming Career Development Workbook.

 Discuss: which is more important in your chosen career - knowledge, skills or both in equal measures?


  1. I think a balance of both is important for most of us, at least that's true for me. The more knowledge I have the better my skills ;)

  2. True. Good post. I work with a lot of interns, and while knowledge is very important, what really takes them from "student" to "clinician" is skill. It's the practice of taking that knowledge and applying it to real, thinking, breathing, people.

    Happy Blogging!
    Kaye Draper at Write Me
