Sunday, 14 April 2013

L is for... Lists

If you read either of my Blogs you will know that I love Lists. A list that I always find interesting from a careers perspective is the The Top 100 Graduate Employers published by The Times.

Regardless of whether you are actively job hunting, or simply keeping an eye out for the *right* opportunity you should always keep a "Dream Job" list and/or a "Companies I would LOVE to work for list". 

I keep a list of places I would love to work in my goals section of my career development plan. Do you?

If not, write it now!

Running a bit late this week but for this weeks celebrating the small things with Vik Lit - my list is:
  1. continued enjoyment of the a to z challenge (this seems to have taken over my blogging life)
  2. watching all of season one of Battlestar Galactica (yes, rewatching this awesome show).
  3. enjoying a fantastic selection of cheese and crackers
  4. another new episode of doctor who
  5. attending a series of client meetings with my new supervisor and getting to know her better


  1. I just realized that I love lists too! I must. I write lists on post-it notes, on scrap paper, in journals and in my cell! My name is Karen and I'm a List Lover! lol

    1. One can never have too many lists - thanks for dropping by.

  2. I like writing lists too ... I just lose them really quickly and promptly forget what I put on them. Then I find them months or years later and wonder what I meant by "shave the cat"

    1. Lists can make nice memories - sometimes I add old ones into photo albums etc

  3. I am a list addict. I often spend more time writing my list than I do actually getting things done, LOL.

    1. easy habit to fall into - I have dedicated "list time"
