Wednesday, 1 May 2013

IWSG - May

This month I am joining in once again with Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Support Group. At the beginning of April I was hoping to make a lot of progress with my personal writing projects (both fiction and non-fiction).

However, last month the A to Z Challenge kind of took over and while I successfully completed the Challenge I was disappointed with the amount of writing I did. I maybe only spent 3 hours a week on writing and even then it wasn't my best content.

and to make matters worse... my Starbucks habit has returned.

I have mentioned before my issues with food (needing to eat to focus and write). My other half started on his healthly eating / diet which has motivated me to cut back on the junk food myself as I do not want to be a bad influence.

However, the result has been more frequent trips to Starbucks. Some couch time with a coffee and my writing several times a week. So have I really made progress? Honestly I am just happy I am writing (and perhaps more importantly I am enjoying my writing time). But it is not a habit I can afford to keep up. Ideally I would like to completely cut it out, but at the moment I am down to three days a week instead of daily.

Maybe by next month I will have managed to completely cut it out altogether...


  1. Starbucks is expensive or so I hear. I've never been there. Even writing every week is an accomplishment as far as I'm concerned. As long as you keep at it, you're happy with your writing, I declare success!


  2. Starbucks prices are why I love my french press!

  3. Yeah, I really love Starbucks, too. Maybe you can buy some Starbucks coffee (like a bag of it) to make at home? That is what I am trying to do right now - saves on calories and money! It's not always an easy transition, though :). Glad you're writing!
