Friday, 31 May 2013

Celebrating the Small Things - 31 May

Once again I am taking part in Vik Lit's Celebrating the small things bloghop ... So what am I celebrating this week?

Recently I have been concentrating my efforts on my new Career Development Blog and I have not been writing on this blog too much. However, the upside is that it is because I have been productive both at home and in my writing.

I have managed to maintain a regular writing routine each morning with my cup of coffee (usually starbucks) and I sort out my to-do list and write a few draft pages.

When I started I was concerned about the cost (and addiction) of the coffees (and I still am). but somehow I have developed a rather enjoyable and relaxing routine before work that sets me up for the day. So the main reason I am celebrating this week is finally establishing a productive writing routine.

On a more personal level I am also celebrating:

- new lighting in the flat (Yay, I can see to write)
- first dinner in the garden this year (and hopefully more to come as the weather picks up)
- enjoyable catch up with colleagues
- snickers bar ice creams :) yum

Have a great weekend everyone (enjoy the weather)


  1. It's great when you get a routine that works... having light to write by also helps. ;-)
    Have a great weekend. :-)

  2. I know where my mind is at, I got to the last line about the snickers and I forgot the rest of what you wrote.

    I joined the blogfest today

  3. YAY to a routine working for you. And snickers bar ice creams? Sounds interesting...
