Wednesday, 5 June 2013

IWSG - June

This month I am joining in once again with Alex J. Cavanaugh's Insecure Writer's Support Group and having my usual OMG I can't believe it is [insert month here] already moment.

Last month I was complaining about my Starbucks Habit which seems to be fuelling my writing time. In the morning while enjoying my morning coffee (now back up to 7 days a week). I enjoy writing with pen and paper - sometimes I write my books, other times I write content for my blogs.

There are days when I feel frustrated and feel like I am duplicating work. I usually do my initial drafts on paper (as I am more inspired when using pen and paper), and I will then later type up my drafts and craft them into something better. Doing everything in this way is a good way to proof read and to have time to think about and develop ideas.

However, sometimes I lose that productive / satisfied feeling that I run on. In the morning during my writing hour I will progress with my handwritten notes and feel like I have got things done and then realise in the evening or even the next day or a week later that I have not caught up or that I have not done anything with my notes. I feel unproductive and dissatisfied when in reality I probably actually progressed.

I hate this feeling of frustration as there are times when it discourages me from writing anything.


  1. I love the fact that you use pen and paper. :) There's something so awesome about that that's so much more compelling than a computer screen. :)

    And coffee and Starbucks? Oh yeah, I can so relate! LOL

    I think we all have those feelings of what we first loved we later hate. Sigh. I've had to learn to just let it go. Take a deep breath, let it fly, and see what happens. :)

    Good post!

    (I was going to follow but I'm not part of bloglovin')

    1. Pen and paper all the way for me - I love it.

      Sorry about only having bloglovin - you could always use email or normal RSS instead?

      Thanks for dropping by.

  2. It's so difficult to feel productive most of the time, since writing is such a slow process, as is publishing. Just keep moving forward as much as you can! Even one word is progress. :)

    1. That is my ongoing motivation - the "I Did Something" yay! moment.

  3. Even small steps move us forward towards the end. I always type my work so I don't have notes to catch up on but I have editing - lots of editing! Keep writing you'll get there.

    IWSG co-host

  4. Organization is so important. Color coded note cards come in handy. Stickies on the computer desktop work well too.

  5. If you wrote something, anything, you were productive!
    Until NaNo, I always wrote first on paper.
