Saturday, 22 June 2013

Celebrating the Small Things - 22 June

Once again I am taking part in Vik Lit's Celebrating the small things bloghop (better late than never) ... So what am I celebrating this week?

1. A subtitled showing in the Cinema on a Tuesday (when I can use the discount card).Yes! discounted trip to the cinema to see 'man of steel' complete with popcorn and hotdog.

2. Adding another fantastic Filofax to my collection - this time an A5 finsbury in pink.

3. Booking the decorator... now looking forward to my newly decorated home.

4. A nice lunch with a work colleague.

5. Waking up to coffee in bed this morning. 

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Ooh yay to a nice coffee and booking the decorator! Hurrah!

  2. Subtitled movies are so much better than dubbed ones.
